Hi, friends! Today is my 34th birthday, so I figured it would be fun to put together a small post with 10 facts that you may not know about me! I know that Instagram is a highlight reel of my life, but sometimes it’s hard to get to know someone through just photos and short captions. So here are a few things that you may not have known!
- I graduated from college in 2007 with my Bachelor’s in Psychology and a minor in Criminology. I originally wanted to be a Criminal Profiler, but my path just didn’t take me there. I have always had a fascination with true crime and serial killers, which I think you all probably knew lol. I do share that a lot on my Instagram. My passion for it runs pretty deep, but I don’t think I could do it as a job, so I’m glad it didn’t work out that way!
- In college, I was in the Alpha Sigma Tau sorority and loved every second of it! Sororities are definitely not what everyone makes them seem. I met some of my best friends through sorority, and I honestly can’t imagine my life without it! If you were in a sorority, which one were you in? Comment down below or come let me know on my IG post!
- After college, I spent almost 10 years in the corporate world. The first few years were great, and I saw myself in that world until retirement. After a while though, things changed and it just wasn’t for me anymore. I let myself get stuck there for way too many years, but honestly I learned SO much that I still use in my daily life today with blogging, so for that I’m grateful.
- My husband Jacob and I met in high school when we were 15 years old! He asked me to be his girlfriend once and presented me flowers, a necklace, and a huge Chuckie doll (from the Rugrats, not the scary one lol). I said no. HAHAHAH. He hated me for a while, but hey, we’re married now, so he won in the end! I love our story, and I am beyond lucky to be married to him. If you want to see a short video of our wedding, click HERE.
- I spent my entire childhood, up until college, playing and being obsessed with volleyball. When the school season would end, my Club season would start, so I played year-round. I was so passionate about it, and when I stepped on the court, this adrenaline shot through me that I can’t explain. It was a feeling that I miss so much! I may be short, but I was really good haha! It may seem like I’m more girlie because I love makeup and beauty, but I am an athlete at heart and always will be!
- Jacob and I are both only children and are very close to our moms. Even though our children technically won’t have any aunts or uncles, we are very close to our friends, so they will have to play those roles! Lol.
- I have a really large birth mark that goes from the bottom of my chin, down near my arm pit, and ends near the bottom of my left arm. I have really tan skin, so the birth mark blends in with it so that it’s barely noticeable unless you’re really looking! I also have a small one on my shoulder, which actually overlaps the big one. So basically I’m one huge birth mark hahaha.
- I love all kinds of music: country, rap, r&b, oldies, freestyle, etc… but I think my favorite is 80s. I love that era in music and a lot of it reminds me of my childhood, which I love.
- I used to have really crooked teeth, and in 7th grade my mom told me she wanted to get me braces. I was so horrified and thought I would get made fun of if I got them. I used to pray to God at night and ask him to magically straighten out my teeth so I didn’t have to get them. He did not answer my prayers LOL. In 8th grade, my mom finally made me get them after a year of begging her not to. But omg am I so GRATEFUL that she did!
- A few of my happy places include: the movie theatre with a huge tub of buttery popcorn, my couch with my hubby and Netflix, on a patio drinking margaritas and eating chips and salsa, at a winery in a small Texas town listening to live music, and of course….Sephora.
I hope y’all enjoyed this post and that it helped you get to know me a bit better! If we have anything in common, I would love to hear from you in the comments or on my Instagram!
Tonight, we are going to my favorite Mexican restaurant for dinner, and then going to a little bar afterwards to have some drinks. I’m so excited to spend some time with my people! I hope y’all have a great weekend!